No way? Norway!

So, my plan had been to head to Canada. It didn’t really turn out that way.

After Italy, I returned to Exeter for a week. My ticket was booked to Canada, all I was waiting for was a piece of paperwork to hand over at the border to prove I had obtained a working holiday visa. I wasn’t really stressed, these things usually work out. Two days before I was due to leave, the paperwork still hadn’t arrived. Stress levels rising somewhat. My friends Kelsey and Andrew’s wedding was two days after I arrived, that was the reason I had decided on Canada. I head to AS Watersports to distract myself with some kayaking chat… raise the option of going to Norway instead. All I’ve heard during the spring is how beautiful Norway is, and about its amazing whitewater. Liam is immediately enthusiastic – go to Norway!

The day before I’m due to fly to Canada I call the airline and cancel my ticket, call the man who wants to buy my car and tell him it’s no longer for sale, spend hours on the phone with the amazingly helpful Norwegian Embassy about visas and finally, sadly, call Kelsey to say I won’t make it to the wedding. My friends think I’m mad but, apart from the last minute rush, I’m not stressed. A year of adventure should contain some spontaneity I guess!

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