Northern Norway

Jakub had a week off work, so gathered a few people together for a week in Northern Norway. We jumped in the van with Adrian and Dag and, leaving fairly late in the day, we were treated to a spectacular sunset before meeting Filippo and Bety near Oppdal.

Norwegian sunset - sunrise about 3 hours away.

Norwegian sunset – sunrise about 3 hours away.

The next morning we decided to run one of Adrian’s old local runs, the Gråura of the Driva. I think this is a river that could have gone either way for me. As it was, I loved it from start to finish, and it was one of my paddling highlights of the year. The gorge is amazing, the white water is amazing, the group could not have been any better and even thinking about it now, nearly 6 months later, makes me want to jump around with excitement. It was a day of paddling at the top end of my ability but doing it with confidence and, probably because of this, doing it well. It doesn’t always happen! Of course, I have no pictures, so you’ll just have to believe me!

Our next campsite was just outside of Hattfjelldal and also a beautiful spot.

Dag disinfecting after the Driva

Dag disinfecting after the Driva

Because we had paddled the Driva, we had to disinfect all of our kit to prevent the spread of a parasite that kills salmon. There was quite a bit of discussion about how useful and/or effective this treatment is but concluded that it wasn’t too much effort on our behalf, and if it helps then that is good!

The boys ran a river called the Unkerelva which is pretty much a section of fast, steep slides back into the lake. It looked like fun, but also a bit out of my league for the moment! After a trip to Hattfjelldal for some supplies, we discovered that there was another group staying at a campsite nearby. We decided to go and join them and see what they were up to.

Another campsite, another view.

Another campsite, another view.

This was a lovely campsite, but unfortunately we managed to fill the van with mozzies the first night, inviting them in with our tempting cooking smells!

The rivers in this area are beautiful but pretty difficult. The boys were really nice and generally did an easier run during the day, for which I would join them, and then go and do something harder and I would try to find a good vantage point for some photos! This works really well for me, because I find that the stress of new rivers is cumulative. I need a break in order to reset my brain to something sensible again. It also means that I get the opportunity to watch and hope that one day I’ll actually join them! A bit like this really.

One day...

One day…

Something to work up to.

Something to work up to.

All in all, it was a fantastic week. I met some really nice people, did some great kayaking and, of course, saw some amazing scenery. I’ll be back next year, for more kayaking and more adventuring!

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Sea kayaking Nærøyfjord

I don’t normally get too excited about sea kayaking, but when my friend Lucie suggested we borrow some sea kayaks, pack a picnic and head for the day to a nearby fjord, it sounded like too nice an adventure to miss out on. The weather was predicted to be fine but cold, so we packed our thermals, dry suits and pogies and we were set.

Timing our departure for sunrise – not too difficult as it is currently about 8:45 – we packed up and set off. Nærøyfjord (pronounced kind of like nah-ray-fjord) is about one hour from Voss, so we had enough time to paddle until lunchtime and then turn around and head back again.

Lucie admiring the view

Lucie admiring the view

Setting off, the first thing we noticed were all the starfish! There were masses of them, all different sizes, all around the edge of the fjord. The fjord itself is beautiful. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is very narrow. The snow covered mountains rising up from the fjord are stunning!

Fjord and mountains

Fjord and mountains

After a while paddling, we stopped for lunch. Lucie had brought along some Czech “boil in the bag” lunch. It wasn’t the normal unidentified beans and meat though, venison and dumplings anyone?

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Cooking up some venison and dumplings

A coffee and some chocolate later, we were warmed up and ready to set off on our return trip. We passed a ferry doing the tourist trip and exchanged waves and mutual photographs but mainly admired the reflection of the snow capped mountains in the water that was as still as glass.


Ferry touring

It was a beautiful day out, and really accessible to anyone with warm clothes and a drysuit! This trip could easily be extended to last for a couple of days. We passed two campsites just in our daytime tour, one accessible only by boat, the other right next to a small town.

